Sliding Liberia Being Shown & Introduced by the Directors Tomorrow at Patagonia Palo Alto
The Patagoonies in Palo Alto are getting revved up for an extra-special event this weekend. We are proud to announce that directors, Stanford University students, and friends of Patagonia, Nicholai Lidow and Britt Caillouette, will be introducing the surf documentary Sliding Liberia at 7 pm on Saturday, June 7, in our shop on Alma Street. The film features the sick surf skills of Crystal Thornburg and Dan Malloy, both Patagonia Surf Ambassadors, as well as Chris Del Moro, an artist whose work is featured on our surf tees, and, most notably, the epic beauty of West African coastal beaches. Central to the message of the film is not the role of surfing in the lives of traveling Americans, but the soul-liberating role the sport can have in the lives of those so greatly affected by civil war in Liberia.
We look forward to sharing this unique opportunity to see the awardingwinning film (including a Grand Prize at Alpinist Film Festival 2008 inJackson Hole!) with our friends, customers, and fellow staff from thestores in Santa Cruz and San Francisco. We are beyond pleased to havefriends from Save the Waves and Surfrider, both mighty forces inenvironmental efforts along our local California coast, coming to sharethe evening with us, too. In the meantime, we are busy making popcorn,baking cookies, and collecting reusable cups for the big event. Itsgonna be sweet!
Hope to see you there,
Julia Hysell
Patagonia Palo Alto, In-Store Special-Ops Coordinator & Dharma Bum