Patagonia Sin Represas (Without Dams), a New Video from Environmental Documentarian, Bridget Besaw
[Video: Bridget Besaw]
News on the five proposed dams in the heart of Chilean Patagonia has been slow lately as we wait for an Environmental Impact Report on the 1,200-mile power transmission lines and a decision from the Chilean Supreme Court. One item of note: The Santiago Times reported a few days ago that Argentina’s minister of planning is open to the idea of the electrical transmission lines passing through Argentine territory, another setback for those of us — in Chile and abroad — who vigorously oppose the dams.
Yet, even while the approval process plows forward, those in opposition to the dams continue to make their case that the Pascua and Baker Rivers can run free indefinitely while Chile’s energy needs are met through abundant, less-destructive renewable sources such as wind, solar and geothermal.
Environmental documentarian, Bridget Besaw, recently created this video to illustrate what’s at stake. She captured the images while on assignment for the iLCP’s Patagonia RAVE (Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition) last year. The still images were first presented in March as a traveling exhibit to help raise awareness about the threat of the dams. Bridget is a member of 1% For the Planet and continues to use her photographic talents to highlight the depletion of natural resources around the planet.
President Piñera can still pull the plug on this project. Please take a moment to write the Chilean embassy and voice your opinion against the damming of Patagonia’s wild rivers.